1. Mingjian Li, Yanping Lian*, Zhanshan Cheng, Zhidong Wang, Lehui Li, Ruxing Gao, Daining Fang. A clustering adaptive Gaussian process regression method: response patterns based real-time prediction for nonlinear solid mechanics problems. arXiv:2409.10572.
  2. Feiyu Xiong, Yanping Lian*, Chinnapat Panwisawas, Jiawei Chen, Ming-jian Li, Anwen Liu. A microscale cellular automaton method for solid-state phase transformation of directed energy deposited Ti6Al4V. Additive Manufacturing, 2024.
  3. Biao Zhang, Yanping Lian*, Ming-jian Li, Chunpeng Wang, Ruxing Gao. Mechanical characterisation of lattice structures fabricated by selective laser melting via an image-based finite cell method with a damage model. Materials & Design, 244:113168, 2024.
  4. 郭旭*廉艳平*. 数据驱动的结构分析与设计专题序. 力学学报, 56(7),  2024. 
  5. 王春彭,高汝鑫,廉艳平*,成湛山,李明健. 面向抗冲击结构尺寸优化的自训练分类判断优化设计方法. 力学学报,  56(7),  2024. 
  6. 于飞, 廉艳平*, 李明健,  高汝鑫.金属增材制造晶体塑性有限胞元自洽聚类分析方法. 力学学报,  56(7), 2024.
  7. 廉艳平*,易敏*. 增材制造计算力学专题序. 计算力学学报, 41(5):807-807, 2024.
  8. 李明健,陈嘉伟,廉艳平*. 金属增材制造的多物理场物质点有限元法. 计算力学学报, 41(5):808-815, 2024.
  9. Yanda Wang, Yanping Lian*, Zhidong Wang, Chunpeng Wang, Daining Fang*. A novel triple periodic minimal surface-like plate lattice and its data-driven optimization method for superior mechanical properties. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition),45(2): 217-238, 2024.
  10. Lehui Li, Yanping Lian*, Ming-Jian Li, Ruxin Gao, Yong Gan. A contact method for B-spline material point method with application in impact and penetration problems. Computational Mechanics, 73:1351–1369, 2024.
  11. Feiyu Xiong, Yanping Lian*, Mingjian Li, Jiaqi Ouyang, Yufan Liu. An extended cellular automaton finite volume method for grain nucleation-growth-coarsening during the wire-based additive manufacturing process. Additive Manufacturing, 76(25):103782, 2023.
  12. Yanping Lian*, Jiawei Chen, Ming-Jian Li*, Ruxin Gao. A multi-physics material point method for thermo-fluid-solid coupling problems in metal additive manufacturing processes. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 416(1): 116297, 2023.
  13. R.X. Gao, Y.H. Zhang, X.B. Sun, S.Y. Duan*, Y.P. Lian*. Forced vibration analysis of thin cross-ply laminated circular cylindrical shells with arbitrary boundary conditions using the symplectic wave-based method. Thin-Walled Structures, 190: 110992, 2003. 
  14. Chunpeng Wang, Yanping Lian*, Ruxin Gao*, Feiyu Xiong, Ming-Jian Li. A multi-point synergistic gradient evolution method for topology optimization leveraging neural network with applications in converged and diverse designs. Computational Mechanics, 73: 105-122, 2024.
  15. J.Q. Ouyang, M.J. Li*, Y.P. Lian*, S.Y. Peng, C.M. Liu. A Fast Prediction Model for Liquid Metal Transfer Modes during the Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing Process. Materials, 16(7), 2911, 2023.
  16. Ming-Jian. Li, Jiawei Chen, Yanping Lian*, Feiyu Xiong, Daining Fang. An efficient and high-fidelity local multi-mesh finite volume method for heat transfer and fluid flow problems in metal additive manufacturing. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 404: 115828, 2023.
  17. C. He, J. Ge*, Y. Chen, Y. Lian*. Concurrent multiscale virtual tesing for 2D woven composite structures: a pathway towards composites design and structure optimization. Composite Structures, 304: 116406, 2023.
  18. Feng Xu, Feiyu Xiong, Ming-Jian Li, Yanping Lian*. Three dimensional numerical simulation of grain growth during selective laser melting of 316L stainless steel. Materials, 15(19), 6800, 2022.
  19. W. Wen, M. Lei, Y. Tao*, Y. Lian. Out-of-plane crashworthiness of bio-inspired hierarchical diamond honeycombs with variable cell wall thickness. Thin-Walled Structures, 176:109347, 2022.
  20. Chunwang He, Jingran Ge*, Yanping Lian*, Luchao Geng, Yanfei Chen, Daining Fang*. A concurrent three-scale scheme FE-SCA2 for the nonlinear mechanical behavior of braided composites. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 393:114827, 2022.
  21. Yanda Wang, Luchao Geng, Yanping Lian*, Mengchuan Xu, Daining Fang*. Three-dimensional assembled dual-material lattice with tailorable thermal expansion: design method, modeling, and testing. Composite Structures, 293: 115724, 2022.
  22. Ming-Jian Li, Yanping Lian*, Xiong Zhang*. An Immersed Finite Element Material Point (IFEMP) Method for Free Surface Fluid-structure Interaction Problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 393: 114809, 2022.
  23. Luchao Geng, Biao Zhang,Y.P Lian*, Ruxin Gao, Daining Fang*. An image-based multi-level hp FCM for predicting elastoplastic behavior of imperfect lattice structure by SLM. Computational Mechanics, 70, 123-140, 2022.
  24. Feiyu Xiong, Zhengtao Gan, Jiawei Chen, Yanping Lian*. Evaluate the effect of melt pool convection on grain structure in selective laser melted IN625 alloy using experimentally validated process-structure modeling. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 303:117538,2022.
  25. D. Kats, Z. Wang, Z. Gan, W.K. Liu, G. J. Wagner, Y.P. Lian*. A physics-informed machine learning method for predicting grain structure characteristics in directed energy deposition. Computational Materials Science,202:110958,2021.
  26. Y.P. Lian*, P.D. Wang, J. Gao, et al. Fundamental mechanics problems in metal additive manufacturing: A state-of-art review. Advances in Mechanics,  51(3): 648-701,2021 (Online, in Chinese).
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  29. Y.P. Lian, J. Dallmann, B. Sonin, K. Roche, A. Packman, W.K. Liu, G.J. Wagner*. Double averaging analysis applied to a large eddy simulation of coupled turbulent overlying and porewater flow, Water Resource Research, 57,2021.
  30. F.Y. Xiong, C.Y. Huang, O. L. Kafka, Y. P. Lian*, W.T. Yan, M.J. Chen*, D.N. Fang. Grain growth prediction in selective electron beam melting of Ti-6Al-4V with a cellular automaton method. Materials & Design, 199:109410, 2021.
  31. 陈嘉伟,熊飞宇,黄辰阳,廉艳平*. 金属增材制造数值模拟. 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学, 50 (9): 09007, 2020.
  32. M.J. Chen, S.Z. Luan*, Y.P. Lian*. Fractional SUPG finite element formulation for two-dimensional fractional advection-diffusion equations. Computational Mechanics, 67, 601-617, 2020.
  33. Y.P. Lian*, Z. Gan, C. Yu, D. Kats, W. K. Liu, G. J. Wagner. A cellular automaton finite volume method for microstructure evolution during additive manufacturing. Materials & Design, 169: 107672, 2019.
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  35. Z. Gan#, Y.P. Lian#, S. Lin, K. Jones, W.K. Liu*, G. Wagner*. Benchmark study of thermal behavior, surface topography, and dendritic microstructure in selective laser melting of Inconel 625. Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation, 8: 178-193, 2019.
  36. W.T. Yan#, Y.P. Lian#,C. Yu#, O. Kafka#, Z. L. Liu, W.K. Liu, G. Wagner*. An integrated process-structure-property modeling framework for additive manufacturing. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 339: 184-204, 2018.
  37. Y.P. Lian, S. Lin, W.T. Yan, W.K. Liu, G.J. Wagner*. A parallelized three-dimensional cellular automaton model for grain growth during additive manufacturing. Computational Mechanics, 61:543-559, 2018.
  38. W.T. Yan, S. Lin, O. Kafka, Y.P. Lian, C. Yu, Z.L. Liu, J.H. Yan, S. Wolff, H. Wu, E. Ndip-Agbor, M. Mozaffar, K. Ehmann, J. Cao, G. Wagner, W. K. Liu*. Data-driven multi-scale multi-physics models to derive process-structure-property relationships for additive manufacturing. Computational Mechanics, 61:521-541, 2018.
  39. B. Wu, Z.P. Chen, X. Zhang*, Y. Liu, Y.P. Lian. Coupled Shell-Material Point Method for Bird Strike Simulation. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 31:1-18, 2018.
  40. W. Yan, S. Lin, O. Kafka, C. Yu, Z. Liu, Y.P. Lian, S. Wolff, J. Cao, G. Wagner, W. K. Liu*. Modeling process-structure-property relationships for additive manufacturing. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 13:482-492, 2018.
  41. Y.P. Ying, Y.P. Lian*, S.Q. Tang*, W. K. Liu. Enriched reproducing kernel particle method for fractional advection-diffusion equation. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 34: 515-527, 2018.
  42. S.Z. Luan, Y.P. Lian*, Y.P. Ying, S.T. Tang, G.J. Wagner, W.K. Liu*. An enriched finite element method to fractional advection diffusion equations. Computational Mechanics, 60(2):181-201, 2017.
  43. Y.P. Ying, Y.P. Lian#, S.T. Tang*, W.K. Liu. High-order central scheme for Caputo fractional derivative. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 317: 42-54, 2017.
  44. Y.P. Lian, G.J. Wagner, W.K. Liu*. A meshfree method for the fractional advection-diffusion equation. In: Griebel M., Schweitzer M. (ed.s) Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations VIII. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol 115. Springer, Cham, 2017.
  45. F. Zhang, X. Zhang*, K.Y. Sze, Y.P. Lian, Y. Liu. Incompressible material point method for free surface flow. Journal of Computational Physics, 330: 92-110, 2017.
  46. S.T. Tang, Y.P. Ying, Y.P. Lian, S. Lin, Y.B. Yang, G.J. Wagner, W.K. Liu*. Differential Operator Multiplication Method for Fractional Differential Equations. Computational Mechanics, 58: 879-888, 2016.
  47. Y.P. Lian, Y.P. Ying, S.Q. Tang, S. Lin, G. Wagner, W.K, Liu*. A Petrov-Galerkin Finite Element Method for the Fractional Advection-Diffusion Equation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,309: 388-410, 2016.
  48. Y. Li*, Y.P. Lian, L.T. Zhang, S.M. Aldousari, H.S. Hedia, S.A. Asiri, W. K. Liu. Cell and nanoparticle transport in tumour microvasculature: the role of size, shape and surface functionality of nanoparticles. Interface Focus, 6(1): 20150086, 2016.
  49. Y.P. Lian, P.F. Yang, X. Zhang*, F. Zhang, Y. Liu, P. Huang. A mesh-grading material point method and its parallelization for problems with localized extreme deformation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 289: 291-315, 2015.
  50. 刘岩,张雄,刘平,廉艳平,马上,宫伟伟,王汉奎. 空间碎片防护问题的物质点无网格法与软件系统. 载人航天,21(5): 503-509,2015.
  51. Z.P. Chen, X.M. Qiu, X. Zhang*, Y.P. Lian. Improved coupling of finite element method with material point method based on a particle-to-surface contact algorithm. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,293: 1-19, 2015.
  52. Y.P. Lian, X.Zhang*, F. Zhang, X.X. Cui. Tied interface grid material point method for problems with localized extreme deformation. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 70: 50-61, 2014.
  53. Y.P. Lian, Y. Liu, X. Zhang*. Coupling of membrane element with material point method for FSI problem. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 10: 199-211, 2014.
  54. 廉艳平, 张帆, 刘岩, 张雄*. 物质点法的理论和应用.力学进展, 43: 237-264, 2013.
  55. Y.P. Lian, X. Zhang*, Y. Liu. Coupling between finite element and material point method for problems with extreme deformation. Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters, 2, 021003, 2012.
  56. Y.P. Lian, X. Zhang*, Y. Liu. An adaptive finite element material point method and its application in extreme deformation in problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 241-244: 275-285, 2012.
  57. X. Zhang*, Y.P. Lian, P.F. Yang, J.G. Li, Y.T. Zhang, H.K. Wang. 冲击爆炸问题的三维物质点法数值仿真. 计算机辅助工程, 20:29-37, 2011.
  58. Y.P. Lian, X. Zhang*, Y. Liu. Coupling of finite element method with material point method by local multi-mesh contact method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 200: 3482–3494, 2011.
  59. Y.P. Lian, X. Zhang*, X. Zhou, Z.T. Ma. A FEMP method and its application in modeling dynamic response of reinforced concrete subjected to impact loading.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 200: 1659-1670, 2011.
  60. Y.P. Lian, X. Zhang*, X. Zhou, S. Ma, Y.L. Zhao. Numerical simulation of explosively driven metal by material point method. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 38: 237-245, 2011.
  61. S. Ma, X. Zhang*, Y.P. Lian, X. Zhou. Simulation of high explosive explosion using adaptive material point method. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 39: 101-123, 2009.